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Obtenga el examen de práctica 200-101 para completar el examen profesional de la ciencia de marketing de Facebook

Aug 25,2022
Con la certificación de Facebook Meta Marketing Science Science Professional, puede verificar su conocimiento y aumentar su carrera. Al decidir tomar el examen 200-101 para la certificación de Meta Marketing Science Professional de Facebook, se le sugerirá que obtenga el examen de práctica 200-101 de para prepararse bien. Hemos publicado un nuevo examen de práctica de Facebook 200-101 para garantizar su éxito en el examen de certificación de Meta Marketing Science Professional de Facebook. Visite y busque preguntas del examen 200-101, luego puede obtener las siguientes ventajas:

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200-101 Examen de práctica -

Lea las preguntas de demostración gratuitas de Facebook 200-101 a continuación:

An analyst for a primarily brick-and-mortar retailer is reviewing measurement results from the last half for all marketing. The media plan was 50% TV spend, with some Facebook (10%), search (10%), print (10%), and radio (20%).
No solution provides the same numbers for a single point in time. The analyst needs to recommend how to allocate budget across channels to maximize sales for the next business quarter.
Which measurement solution should be the primary source of the analyst's recommendation?
A. Marketing mix model
B. Multi-cell Conversion Lift
C. Multi-touch attribution
D. Nielsen Total Ads Ratings
Answer: A

An advertiser wants to know whether campaign strategy A had significantly different performance than campaign strategy B in terms of additional sales. The campaigns both ran at the same time against mutually exclusive portions of the advertiser's customer base.
What is the null hypothesis of the test design?
A. Sales Lift A = 0, Sales Lift B < 0
B. Sales Lift A = Sales Lift B
C. Sales Lift A >= Sales Lift B
D. Sales Lift A > 0, Sales Lift B = 0
Answer: C

A local retailer wants to measure the effectiveness of Facebook campaigns based on the number of in-store purchases after customers have been exposed to an ad within the platform.
Where should outcome data be sourced?
A. Third-party data sources as an estimation of real customers
B. First-party data such as email or phone number captured in-store
C. Coordinates from each of its regional shops
D. Data from the Facebook pixel in its site
Answer: D

A taxi company is working on building an understanding of household customer lifetime value. Some of their customers order via digital platforms, some via phone, and some alternate between the two. They currently calculate lifetime value (LTV) by looking at all hashed order data including email addresses for online customers and all phone numbers for phone orders. The results showed that email customers had a yearly LTV of $100, and the phone customers had a yearly LTV of $80. However, the company is aware that a group of people are introducing some noise into the results by ordering via both phone and online.
What solution should the analyst recommend to enhance the ability to create a functional LTV model?
A. Remove all customers who use both from the LTV model
B. Ask online customers to provide their phone number in a post-order survey
C. Gather hashed email and phone number for each order on any channel
D. Select the average of the two models
Answer: A

A large ecommerce company wants to know which of its two creative strategies is generating the highest number of conversions. It already knows that both strategies generate significant lift compared to a holdout group.
What measurement solution should be used?
A. Facebook Brand Lift
B. Facebook Analytics
C. Facebook Conversion Lift
D. Facebook A/B test
Answer: C

An advertiser is reviewing campaign results in Facebook Attribution and determines that optimizing its campaigns for website content views appears to be more successful than optimizing for clicks.
Details reviewed were as follows:
●A last touch attribution model was used
●Look back window was 90 days
●Campaigns optimized for clicks delivered a cost per view for SO.55
●Campaigns optimized for website content views yielded a cost per view of S0.49
The advertiser wants to assess whether or not this difference is meaningful or due to random chance before adjusting its strategy accordingly.
What action could the analyst take to determine if the difference is meaningful?
A. Run a multi-cell Conversion Lift test
B. Run data-driven attribution
C. Run a single-cell Conversion Lift test
D. Run a single linear regression analysis
Answer: A

No confunda el meta examen de Facebook 200-101 y el enrutamiento de Cisco CCNA y el cambio de ICND2 200-101

Para los candidatos 200-101, no confunda al Meta Marketing Science Professional de Facebook 200-101 y Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching ICND2 200-101.

200-101 Meta Certified Marketing Science Professional es un examen de Facebook, que puede definir objetivos comerciales, establecer KPI para conocerlos, realizar campa?as de prueba y desarrollar información del consumidor para desarrollar recomendaciones de marketing. Este examen está disponible en línea actualmente.

Pero el enrutamiento y el cambio de Cisco CCNA ICND2 200-101 es un examen antiguo, que ha sido retirado. Cisco ha malgrado todos los exámenes especializados de Cisco CCNA para un examen CCNA (200-301). Cisco 200-101 no está disponible ahora.

Simplemente elija el examen de práctica 200-101 válido de para preparar y completar el examen de certificación de Meta Certified Marketing Science Professional ahora.

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200-101 preguntas del examen Cantidad: 60 Fecha de renovación: September 07,2024

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Marketing Science Professional


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